Artist Bio
I create beadwork, jewelry, and textile garments with American Indian/Native American (AI/NA) styles and designs. Most pieces have a relevant cultural connection and meaning, with a few created with a focus on pure pleasure and beauty. My work includes creations for competitions, exhibitions, special orders for pleasure, professional events, and traditional ceremonies. Also, I create for the ‘issues of the day’ that impact the AI/NA population (i.e., Murdered and Missing Women and Girls, Awareness of Cancers and heart Diseases). Also, social issues of LBGTQ2S, Veterans, Historic U.S. Indian Boarding Schools, and the 7th Generation. My work has been shown/purchased/ordered in 20 states in the U.S., two in Canada, and an invitation for a show in Italy. I have taught beadwork to grade school children, adult males in a substance abuse program, cancer patients and survivors, and college students. Also, I have co-taught shawl-making to University students. As a Professor, I have researched/written/presented on a number of the above-mentioned topics related to my artwork and the role of Associate Professor for Educational and American Indian Conferences in the U.S.