Jennifer Linders

Female Freedom

Medium: Marble

Dimensions (In INs): 12 x 7

Country: United States of America

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Artist Bio

My name is Jennifer Linders. I am here as an artist, to tell a story through my artwork. My artwork involves the sculpture of stone with chisels, hammers, files, diamond blades, and hours of sanding. I have been called a direct carver, because of my style of approach to the stone. I examine each stone, and with my imagination I let the stone tell me the story. I wake at night to dreams of how the story will unfold.

This particular story comes from a Middle Eastern woman standing in the wind. As you see her face is covered... her hair covered in hijab. From the front of the sculpture you see a quiet woman, yet standing strong in the wind. As you turn the sculpture you will see her emerge from behind the hijab, fierce, ready to face the world!!!!

You see that she has set her hair FREE!!! As the sculpture is turned once again you will see a form that represents 3 things, The mouth, The vulva, and The flower.

When the sculpture is turned into the light you can see it GLOW!!!

Artist Statement