Please allow me on my art movement philosophy to say a few words in an attempt.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, I am surrounded by flowers.
Flowers are what left the lost Paradise on Earth. Flowers are the best of everything God has created but forgot to allocate with the soul.
Therefore my works are an incessant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers.
Sometimes play matches a decisive role in life. It was the time when I was looking for my own style. So far, I've created my motives with pencil and brush, without deviating from the conventional methods of removing myself.
Then the coincidence wanted me to meet a remarkable person. A gifted designer and art collector with a keen eye for the smallest details.
Mr. Christoph Hirsch from Nuernberg.
In the beginning, he praised the quality of my former works, but realized that it was not my style, he told me "It is not enough to paint beautifully, you should try to find out your own aesthetic style".
I followed his advice and Myrianthismus was born at that time.
"Myrianthismus" called (in greek „μυριάς“, myrias - 10.000 and "άνθος", anthos - blooming flower) thousands of blooming flowers which gives the opportunity to viewer to deepen in the microcosm of the painting.
The closer someone approaches the motive of losing the subject in a flower meadow. The further someone moves away from the subject of losing the floral carpet and provides the motive.
Thank God, I am blessed with an abundance of color material-brush and canvas-as the only weapons for art performances to carry my own touch. Some works of art have traveled unsuccessful around the world, while other high-quality works of art can only know their own atelier walls. Artworks have their own fate, so the viewer can enjoy them without any outside influence.