Thinking about artistic intent: Some French friends, Francoise Davoine and the late Jean-Max Gaudilliere wrote a book, History Beyond Trauma, subtitled: “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one cannot stay silent.” The Idea: Much outside our internal awareness drives our lives; incessantly shaping our path despite being consciously invisible; unthought knowns insistent upon acknowledgment despite our desire to ignore and even disown them or perhaps simply our failure to have fully registered their significance.
In keeping with this wisdom, he paints, asking that deeper internal territory the foundational question, “What wants to be said.” Or slightly different, “What wants to reveal itself?”
He's looking for the intricate felt sense that’s trying to find its way to the surface - in words or in paint. It’s a powerful orienting tool, challenging to wield but meaningful and fascinating to explore.
In short:
Whereof Chuck thinks, he paints.
Whereof he paints, he thinks.
And all the while, he strives to articulate both.
Of late, he’s been steering toward a minimalist simplicity, offering a gesture toward a glimpsed vision balancing a contemplative quiet against the loud, intrusive complexity of our current world. Quiet is refreshing.