Artist Bio
I am a lifelong drawer and doodler, but only started painting—and naming and keeping what I paint—in 2019. It was a particularly turbulent time in my life, and painting turned out to be a surprisingly effective (and enjoyable) kind of therapy. Just this year I finally summoned the courage to create an online gallery, Quantum Foam Studio--a space to put my work out there for public viewing. If you’re wondering about the name, it is a nod to my fascination with the baffling and endlessly engaging quantum realm. This utterly nonsensical theory, preposterously accurate in its predictive power, tells us a strange, ultimately unknowable fuzziness governs the fundamental nature of reality. The elementary particles are not real, after all; they form a world of potentialities and possibilities rather than one of things or facts. That serves as a kind of impetus for my painting: it is thrilling if any of my work evokes possibilities or potentialities in a viewer.
I am originally from Malden, Massachusetts, the end of the Orange Line, and though I’ve not lived there for nearly forty years, it will always be home. I’ve lived all over the country, from Bloomington, Indiana to Arlington, Virginia to Ann Arbor, Michigan to Tucson, Arizona to Ellicott City, Maryland; the culture and geography of each place have left a different kind of imprint on me. I currently can be found in central New Jersey with my two cats, Aubrey and Maturin. I am the proud father of three grown sons and the newly minted grandfather to the most beautiful baby boy in the history of ever.