Artist Bio
I have been interested in art since my childhood. I won an egg decorating contest in third grade and a poster contest in fourth grade. When I was a student at the University of Michigan, my design was selected, among many others, for the West Quad Hall T-shirt. One of my paintings was accepted into the juried Kalamazoo Institute of Arts 2020 West Michigan Area Show. In 2022 and 2021, my paintings were accepted into the juried Westminster Art Festival. My photography was accepted into the juried 2022 NCCA Artsplace Statewide Photography Competition Exhibition, and the juried You and Your Camera online exhibition at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod. One of my paintings was accepted into Magix 2022: Dream, Fantasy, Illusion, Imagination, and Magic sponsored by Exhibizone and Biafarin. My prints were accepted into the juried 2022 Art 4 Animals exhibit at the Red Bluff Art Gallery. Finally, my art has been displayed online at Las Laguna Art Gallery and the HMVC Gallery New York.