I pursue the truth of the ideal world in the digital rainforest. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, the prisoners only face the walls and shadows so that they lose the ability to discern the truth. My works contemplated the increasing digitization of society, especially the technology used to monitor human behavior. My work----- The New Order (2020) The Last Supper, is the final meal shared by Jesus and his disciples before his crucifixion. After the last supper, Christians were further persecuted by those in power. It marked the beginning of the Christian dark age. Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, The New Order has taken this reference and reflects the situation of society in the post-digital surveillance era which includes the changes in mentality; economy; human behavior, and all kinds of propaganda. With technology taking over our lives, humans and technology have become inseparable and we rely on it so much. Humans and technology somehow live in symbiosis nowadays. In the past centuries, human behavior and mind are shaped by government, education, law, religion, etc. All these are imposed by the one in power to teach us how we should behave and think accordingly. For now, with the help of algorithms, it has become the tool for the one in power to shape human behavior and mind in a very efficient and effective way. The New Order is about how humans respond to life in this post-digital surveillance era.