RIKXECOM strives to create meaningful pieces of art that spark joy, imagination, and exploration. My artwork is often a reflection of my spiritual journey, and I draw inspiration from the beauty of nature and the power of the human spirit. I believe art feeds our escape and strive to create pieces that will speak to the hearts of my viewers. Each piece is an expression of my subconscious and spiritual journey and invite you to explore and be inspired.
As a multi-disciplinary artist based in Florida. From a young age, I was inspired by my mother to explore the world of art and expression. My passion for art led me to open my own studio in 1982, where I was able to express myself through a variety of mediums.
In addition to my artistic pursuits, I was also a youth chess champion by the age of 10. Despite being diagnosed with Marfan’s Syndrome in my pre-teens and having many surgeries, this did not stop me from pursuing my passions.
I continue to combine my love of art, bringing my unique talents to the forefront of my work. journey with me as I continue to share my creative expression, RIKXECOM's Digi Assist multi programs and hardware mix, capture the essence of visual art using a combination of Images made with the assistance of computer painting, using a variety of mediums to bring my art to life.
My art pieces have been featured in a variety of mediums, from television to magazines and galleries. Curated and/or Juried Artwork seen TWICE on CBS New York, the Architectural Digest segment (10 million viewers), New York Photoville (1million viewers), London England the New Artist 5th Edition boomer gallery UK, Ontario Canada Publication Gallerium & The Book of Arts, Miami Published by Dynacolor postcards, Arizona Camelback Gallery Featured Artist, Exhibizone Juried International Exhibition, California APA juried Exhibition, California Laguna Gallery Exhibition and more, try a search Keyword RIKXECOM
It is about embracing the little things art presents, the simple pleasures that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. So, pause, and soak in the beauty of these still images. Over half a century I crafted two disciplines - Naturalist & Abstract Art my cerebral escapism visual that are truly unique.