The image is an assemblage created by Hunter Bastian Dagostino. It is an original work on paper using color and stickers on a coloring page. The blank coloring sheet was given to him by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. He created the work in view in 2023, in Indio, California, USA. The subject matter addresses the issues that children have to face when their parents and adult caregivers abuse illicit and legal substances. It is NEVER the child's fault. It is never their job to fix the addiction for the adults. There are safe people that children can talk to about their families' dysfunction. When addiction is around there is ALWAYS trouble, but with Treatment and Recovery, that is available, there is hope and help for the children, at no cost, with or without the adult parent. Unfortunately, many parents and families have adults who have an addiction or drink too much. The good news is that remission and recovery are options. Check it out...