Praveen Moodley Nadaraju
Artist Bio
Praveen Moodley Nadaraju grew up in a household of 5.
Originally born in South Africa, coming to Toronto, Canada in 1974.
His father, a practicing physician for 40 years in Toronto, is currently a retired mother, and a former director of the AWIC nonprofit women's organization, his brother, proudly running his own business and teaching economics at the University of Toronto, sister resides comfortably on an apple farm with her own family of 5 in Tasmania.
Praveen took his own unique artistic route, training for over 20 years in Life drawing, Industrial Design, Classical, and Computer Animation. It is only until he sought and practiced years of conceptual teachings in Hatha Yoga, Buddhism, Christianity, Advaita Yoga, Islam, Judaism, and Physics, that his artistic mind flourished into a kaleidoscope of deep, transforming personal imagery.
Immersed in these concepts and practices, he has unfolded his own unique process and output, making both positive and negative connections, constantly teaching how to elevate, in both life and art.