★ Oh How Fiercely Has Passed This Simple Stream Of Life Will I One Day Tear Open My Throat My Thoughts Are Like The Sticky Strands Of A Spiders Sorrowful Web Thus Enveloping Me Thus Consuming Me Thus Swaying Upon My Fetters I Am In Shackles I Am A Slave To The Shackles ★ ★★★ Just Venting ★★★
Artist Bio
Eva Zucker's artistic career is on a rapid rise. Most recently, there was an article about her in Japan in November 2024, on Aatonau.com. The artist can also proudly present exhibitions in Basel, Zurich, Klink (Germany), Göhren-Lebbin (Germany), and soon in Palma. There was also an article about her artistic abilities in Turkey in the summer of 2024, on Lolipoli.com. Her works of art are now being sold to art collectors outside of Germany. This all only started at the end of 2023 and people already seem to be enthusiastic about her way of expressing herself through art. Eva Zucker's art enchants a wide audience, so you can be sure that you will hear a lot more from this artist.