Anastasia Shik
Artist Bio
Due to my personal experience and the lack of presence of significant others, I could not get all the proper help and support, so art became my source to explore and express myself. I enjoyed craftwork, drawing, and even singing.
I am a child abuse and neglect survivor, I spent some years in the Russian Boarding School. It all gave me some troubles throughout my life with my emotions and life choices.
From my teenage, I started to be interested in photography. I felt behind my camera powerful and confident, while I could express my inner vision of the world.
At a certain point in my life, when I had to go through big changes and work on my childhood memories, I started to photoshoot young children, including my own three little boys. The photos were good and strong, but it was a big emotional challenge for me. That gave me a big push to rediscover my personal art vision and path in photography and to embrace it fully.
Sexuality was the object I felt keen on as I was finding it attractive and confusing at the same time. I saw it as a Big Power, that can be also fragile and destructive.
Sometimes I find my own photos “disturbing”, but they never leave me numb. I believe that I’m not just a photographer, I’m an artist. I now know what I’m doing, I know what I’m shooting, I’m enjoying it and saying to the world that THIS IS ME.