Robin Alenda

Artist Bio

I am a native of Northern, California currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area where I live with my three boys and 4 dogs. I have been creating art since 2021. After owning and operating an interior design business for 10 years and procuring and installing art in homes, I slowly began revisiting my early dreams of becoming an artist one day. In 2021 when my marriage of 23 years began dissolving, I started painting as a way to express emotions and feelings that were overwhelming and challenging. I wanted a way to let out some of my expression without anger or fear and found that painting calmed my anger and relieved my sadness. In the midst of turmoil, I could still create beauty and have purpose. Each piece created aligns with a mood or feeling I was having when it was created. As I look back on the work, I now see a progression of artwork that makes me feel at peace. I know I will always have art even when things in life are challenging and that brings me deep joy.

Artist Statement