Ken Beerbohm
Artist Bio
I was born and raised in Neihart, Montana. The mountain behind our house became a giant playground for me full of nature’s wonders from moss-covered rocks to spring creeks. My love of what nature could produce was firmly rooted. My family moved to California when I was in my teens and I later graduated with a degree in design and industry from SF State University. While I always felt a pull toward sculpting, that was put on hold until my business career was winding down and I could turn my attention to my true passion, giving birth to works through clay and mixed media, fortunate to have gained experience with working with a variety of materials and tools that prepared me well for sculpting. Most of my works are driven by humor, the one thing that keeps me somewhat sane in a not-so-sane world. At times my mind flips to the serious side and a work pops up that I take to its conclusion. If my works bring an observer to laugh, ponder, or appreciate, I have accomplished my mission.