Mark Weller
Artist Bio
Mark Weller is a full-time lens-based artist from Waunakee, WI who - as a storyteller - explores and analyzes the fourth dimension, time. In the past 3 years, he has participated in over 150 art museum and gallery exhibitions throughout the US (plus Toronto and London) garnering many awards. In his early years, he honed his storytelling skills by making documentaries in Alaska which led to his becoming a senior producer for news and public affairs at Madison-based PBS Wisconsin for 13 years. Many of Weller’s stories were broadcast nationally on PBS. In 1993 Mark Weller became president and CEO of a telecom firm that specialized in placing fiber optic cable at schools and libraries in rural Wisconsin, bridging the digital divide. Now in retirement, Weller pursues his art with passion and continues to tell stories about issues that need to be highlighted, such as global warming, the preciousness of water, and the value of wetlands and prairies. He also celebrates the beauty of our world. His aesthetic is rooted in the likes of Wood, O’Keeffe, Cox, and Benton. Each of these Midwest-born artists has influenced Weller by their interpretation of nature and the landscape, and the ability to use shapes to convey feeling, mood, and atmosphere. With their influence, Weller creates art of the land of this birthright and of the land which he loves.