Elizabeth Gorcey
Artist Bio
Elizabeth Gorcey has devoted her life to the pursuit of art that intrigues her, stories that compel her, and the elevation of authentic voices that must be heard. Her dedication has allowed Elizabeth to discover and pursue her own creativity and talents while inspiring others to do the same.
Elizabeth has extensive experience working in the cinematic field as an actress, director, and producer. By boldly exploring socially taboo topics like aging and disability, she translated the lives of others into compelling films. Elizabeth’s creative endeavors won awards and advocated for individuals and communities the world had pushed aside.
Personally, and professionally, Elizabeth avidly encourages speaking honestly and authentically in every setting. This trait led to another artistic endeavor when she shared her love of creating with her daughter. As a collaborative venture, Elizabeth and her daughter wrote the award-winning children’s book series, Liv on Life. Aimed to cultivate a child’s sense of confidence and kindness, this mother-daughter duo was able to write from the perspective of parents and children, encouraging families to embrace authenticity in every relationship.
Compelled by her love of visual arts, Elizabeth became a painter when she was a little girl. Winning an award at the age of 10 for her watercolor “Chinese Tea Pot”, which was displayed in the New Jersey State Museum. Recent exhibitions include New York, Portland, Los Angeles, Canada, and Europe have revealed her talents to a new audience of private collectors and institutions. Recently Ms. Gorcey showed her work alongside Jackson Pollock in a group exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
The passion of this committed actress, director, producer, painter, and author urges each of us to express ourselves as authentically as she does. Put simply by Elizabeth herself, “Creating is nourishment for my soul.”